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Give Your Child the Tools They Need to Succeed
Through comprehensive assessments, Greenwich Psychology Group can help you understand the specific reasons why your child is struggling, and provide tailored recommendations.

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Identifying specific conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, or other developmental disabilities early on in your child’s life can make a world of difference in their ability to successfully navigate the world and the challenges they will face. For instance, if your child struggles with reading, test findings can clarify if this is due to a reading disability, attention problems, language disorders, or processing issues. We can help provide education about what accommodations or alterations to daily life can ease your child’s life and provide a path forward. Identifying specific learning and developmental disabilities can make a world of difference in your child’s ability to navigate the world successfully.

We go beyond diagnosis to determine the underlying clinical and cognitive processes that impact functioning. Our comprehensive evaluation will identify specific elements that hold your child back, provide tailored recommendations, determine school placement, inform the development of an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan, and identify goals for treatment. The earlier you are made aware of your child’s specific strengths and weaknesses, the earlier they can begin to adapt and understand how to live and thrive alongside it.

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To determine if your child has a learning disability or other issue, a series of tests will be conducted and analyzed. Our experienced team of psychologists will assess the following:

  • Intellectual functioning (i.e., IQ)
  • Achievement/academics (i.e., reading, writing, mathematics)
  • Attention and executive functioning
  • Memory Issues
  • Language processing
  • Visual-motor integration
  • Non-verbal learning disabilities
  • Spectrum disorders
  • Social Communication disorders
  • Behavioral, emotional, and social functioning
  • Previous test results, report cards, writing samples, etc.
  • Consultations with parents, teachers, and various providers who work with your child

Greenwich Psychology Group tailors our test selection and assessment process to answer the specific questions about your child’s unique strengths and difficulties. Our evaluations go beyond standard testing methods—we cast a wide net to ensure that we provide as much insight as is needed. We are committed to providing you with answers to address the challenges your child is experiencing.

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Many parents struggle with the question of whether testing for their child is necessary. Often the initial consideration is brought on by your child struggling in school, having difficulty completing testing on time, having trouble paying attention in class, experiencing organizational challenges, scoring below grade level in reading, writing, or math, feeling frustrated easily, having behavioral challenges, or having difficulty effectively socializing with peers. You should take comfort in knowing that many parents are looking for answers. They have seen their child struggle with learning or emotional issues and want to understand a clear path forward.

If your child is experiencing hardships in any of the areas mentioned above, it is always in their best interest for you to err on the side of caution. The earlier you’re made aware of the specific reasons holding them back, the earlier they can begin to adapt and understand how to learn and thrive. Problems like ADHD, dyslexia, or anxiety may seem like issues that will only affect children in their youth, but the long-term effects these conditions can have on their self-confidence and overall trajectory cannot be overstated.

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The single most important thing is to have your child tested. Having a clear grasp of their psychological and educational strengths and challenges will make their life easier in the long run and provide them (and you) the tools to succeed.

The second step is to notify your child’s school that your child has been evaluated and share the report and findings. This will inform an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or 504 plan, which will provide necessary accommodations for their success. When an IEP or 504 plan is in place, your child will be granted unique accommodations, such as extended time for school exams, extended breaks, separate locations for testing, and extra time for college readiness exams due to their diagnosis.


No. If you have any reason to be concerned about your child, there is absolutely no reason not to play it safe. Even if those close to you tell you that your child’s behavior is ‘normal,’ or simply ‘chalk it up to their personality,’ it is always better to have testing performed than to miss a potential disability.

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According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), individuals with a learning disability, psychiatric disability, and/or physical disability are entitled to accommodations in the classroom and on standardized tests. Accommodations include extended time on tests, tests administered in a separate location, extended breaks, flexible scheduling, and a computer for handwritten responses, among others.

The most crucial action you can take is to educate yourself once any findings have been confirmed. You are your child’s most important advocate, so it is essential you understand what they are facing. We provide tailored recommendations, and referrals are made upon request to personally verified specialists.

Greenwich Psychology Group understands that every parent needs a partner in the process, and we will provide information and guidance. We are happy to share assessment results and recommendations and discuss eligibility for your child’s school accommodations.

Our team will empower you with important information and your educational rights to effectively work with your child’s team. Most crucially, this information will help you better understand your child and provide a tailored treatment plan that can help you, your child, teachers, and other providers to meet your child’s needs and help them reach their full potential.

Take the GPG Symptom Checker

At Greenwich Psychology Group, our symptom checker helps clients track their symptoms of depression or anxiety. Taking the assessment doesn't provide a formal diagnosis, but it can help you determine what next steps you may need to take. The evaluation uses a series of questions to review the feelings and symptoms you've experienced over the past two weeks. The results will help you distinguish if professional help is the best next step.
